Monday 19 August 2013

Banana Bananana (x3)...Potato-0-o


On saturday I had the opportunity to take the kids out of the orphanage on a trip! We travelled for an hour to a snake park. I soon found out that I'm not actually a huge fan of snakes! A guide took us round and told us different facts and figures about the snakes. The only question the boys wanted answered was, "Can it kill someone?" And everytime there was a look of horror/excitement at the possibility. They also had a display of pictures of people that had been eaten by snakes! Thankfully the park also had birds, a baboon who shook your hand, crocodiles and tortoises aswell! So I was able to concentrate more on these animals! And the dreaded moment came...they had warned me that I would have to hold a snake. I thought it was a possibility but surely not. Apparently yes! And of course I had to do it! So I have officially held a snake. It was a little one only about a metre long. Definitely long enough...  They park also offered camel rides which the children were very excited about although some of the girls screamed most of the ride! I was a lot more comfortable doing this and it was quite enjoyable! Afterwards we travelled back on the bus and had doughnuts and juice! A very enjoyable morning for the children.

So we arrived home safe and sound to find a gospel band recording in the playground. It had obvioulsy been prearranged but noone had told the children or myself so it all seemed very odd! It was hilarious to watch. Dancing here is just not the same as the UK. So it was fun to sit and watch them. But then I was asked to join in. And then I was asked to be recorded by myself or I could have one of the children too if I wanted! I quickly found an excuse and abanonded the playground fun! I'm sorry that none of you will get to see it but at the same time very thankful I made the decision I did! Sometimes Africa is just too spontaneous!
And then, as if the day had not been filled with enough drama, a wedding showed up! So I was asked to quickly gather the children together and to sit down in the chapel. There was also a brass band in the back of a pick up truck! Anyhow,  it turns out the couple wanted to make a donation to the children on their wedding day. So they had a couple of speeches, prayers and songs and then the children were asked to come forward for pictures with the couple. And the girls got to hold her flowers and dress which was very exciting for them. I think the boys wanted too aswell but tried hard to refrain themselves from joining in! We then spent dinner time singing the "Banana...POTATO" song from despicable me.(film)  The kids are loving it and the staff officially think I'm crazy!

On Sunday I took three of the older children to the local English speaking service. They really enjoyed it but thought it was totally inappropriate of white women to be wearing trousers in church! I tried explaining that it's very common back home and they refused to believe me that it was acceptable! But other than that they really enjoyed the service and have asked to return again next week. So I will ask again and hopefully they will be able to! Also had a really good chat with one of the teenage boys on Sunday about Heaven. There has been a lot of teaching here about the necessity of good works to gain your place in heaven. I explained that the only way to heaven is by recognising the wrong things we do in our lives (sin) and understanding that we can never be 'good enough' and only through believing in Jesus Christ who died for our sins can we be certain of a place in heaven. He alone can pay the punishment for our sin as He alone has lived a perfect life and He is God. There is nothing we can do that will add to our salvation. The teenager seemed to struggle to grasp this so please do pray that over the last week I have here that I will be able to answer his questions and point him to relevant Scripture passages but more importantly that the Holy Spirit would convict him and help Him to see and to understand the truth of the Gospel for the first time. I'm also continuing to teach the Gospel in colour to the children at devotions so pray that they will understand and have the attention span to concentrate for ten minutes.


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